In spatele casei este un canion, un loc minunat de reculegere , cand “ lista de cumparaturi” este prea lunga sau cand trebuie sa mergi sa iti faca o injectie cu virusi activi de Febra Galbena, si nu numai. Boli de care in Europa se citesc doar in carti sau se mai aud in “ Blesteme” si nici cei ce le folosesc nu au idee ce sunt sau cum se manifesta.
(English) Behind the house is a very nice and big Canyon, a wonderful place to meditate in situations when “ the shopping list” is to long or you have to go to the doctor to inject you with live yellow fever virus and not only. Diseases which in Europe you find them in books or in curses and even the people who use them in curses have no idea what they are.
Camelia se gandea ce sa mai cumpere… cred ca i-a venit o idee, caci pare foarte bucuroasa………….
(English) Camelia is thinking what to buy next………and I think she just got a new idea, because she looks very happy……………….
wow! ce imagini...imi place aia in care stai pe stanca... curajosule!